Monday, 14 April 2008

7 miles tempo

Went out before dinner to rack up a few miles at a moderate pace, on the Maryhill Road - Science Park - Anniesland Cross - Great Western Road triangle. My legs were a bit stiff for the first couple of miles (not sure why as I've effectively had two days off) but as the first mile went past in 6:30 without too much difficulty, I tried to keep this pace up for a bit. After 5K I was only about 30 seconds behind my PB split for the route and still quite comfortable. Over the next few miles it got tougher, but I still felt like I had something to spare and tried to strike a balance between really pushing it (which I didn't want to do, with hill reps on the schedule for tomorrow) and easing off too much. By the Botanic Gardens I was looking at sub-45, and by Kelvinbridge it clearly wasn't going to be a problem unless I got stuck for ages trying to cross Maryhill Road, which I didn't. Finishing time was 44:41.

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