Saturday, 13 November 2010

3.4 miles

I took a break on Thursday and Friday on account of tired legs, not helped by 7 races in the previous 8 weekends. On Saturday afternoon I gave the Onitsuka Tiger Tai Chi a try on my usual West End route to see if they could handle a faster pace. I could feel the difference straight away and I made it to Garscube Road inside 55 seconds. The first mile went by just inside 6:30 without any difficulty so I picked it up running down Shakespeare Street and managed each of the next two miles inside 6 minutes. The only disadvantage to the shoes was that cornering was slightly trickier than usual. Finished the 3.37 miles in 20:38, average pace 6:07/mile, HR 161.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 6:29 (149), 5:55 (164), 5:59 (169), 6:04 (171)
HR zones: 1.6%, 2.9%, 25.4%, 70.1%, 0%

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