Sunday, 11 November 2007

11.5 miles slow

I considered taking another day off due to the injury situation but the weather was too good to miss (blue sky and a bit on the chilly side) and my right calf was okay-ish so I applied some Tiger Balm, for the first time in a while, and went out further and slower than usual. Route was basically up the A81 to Milngavie station, left onto Main Street, down to the roundabout and back down the A81 again, trying to run no faster than 7:30/mile. After four miles or so I stopped noticing any particular tightness in the back of my right leg, and on the way back home, on reaching the point where I had blown up on Thursday night, I felt much better than I had then. On nine miles I felt absolutely fine and thought about picking up the pace but stuck to my plan and came home in a leisurely 1:28:26. At this rate I might be able to do the University 5-miler after all.

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