Saturday, 10 November 2007

Short recovery and fast reps

Natasha and I went out for a slow 5K in the morning. Calf felt OK afterwards but I did a load of stretching in the afternoon and then risked some fast reps later on in the nearby industrial estate - didn't want to pay to use the track at Scotstoun and then have to give up after a few minutes if the injury flared up. The reps were around 250m with a steep climb for the first 75m. I ran 45-45-42-43 into a significant headwind and jogged home, not wanting to push my luck any further. I didn't time the recoveries but they couldn't have been much more than a minute as it took about 5 minutes for my breathing to return to normal afterwards. The last 50 metres of the third and fourth rep felt like the end of an 800m.

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