Friday, 21 December 2007

7.5 miles moderate

It was bitterly cold so I bought new thick socks and as well as a head-light thing so I could go out for a run in the dark. Also took the opportunity to wear an orange and grey running jacket which has lights built into it. After getting ready I turned all my lights on to check it out - Natasha said I looked like Easyjet. The head-light is too conspicuous to run through Maryhill with, even switched off, so I put it in my pocket. Suspected I might overheat with all that stuff on and sure enough, it started happening after about 10 minutes. My route took me through the Science Park so I took the opportunity of switching all my lights on at the darkest bit, although they weren't terribly useful as all the lights on the path were working for once. This gear would be really useful for running along the country roads near Baldernock in the dark. In any case I felt very fatigued, probably spent too long on the cross-training machine on Thursday night, but just under 51 minutes was faster than I felt. I might have made it closer to 50 but got a work-related phone call near the Botanic Gardens, just as I was overtaking the only other person I'd seen out running, and had to stop to dig the phone out, only to pass my fellow runner a few seconds later while still talking on the phone. I wonder if that was annoying!

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