Sunday, 23 December 2007

Short recoveries and 11 miles steady

I had some work to do in the office so ran in after breakfast, slightly over 1.5 miles. It took a bit longer than expected, and as the heating isn't on at weekends, it actually seemed warmer outside when I ran back. Went out a few hours later for a proper long(ish) run - this time the plan was to run along Great Western Road for about 40 minutes at a steady pace to see how far I could get (ideally as far as the Drumry Road roundabout), then turn back and arrive home inside 80 minutes. As it turned out, I made it to the gates of the Edrington distillery, just a few hundred yards short of the roundabout, which will have to be the goal for some future run. I managed to make up a little time on the way back but lost most of it waiting to cross Maryhill Road. Finishing time was 1:19:55.

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