Friday, 21 March 2008

4 miles recovery and hills

Went out in the morning for the same 4 mile circuit as previously, but at a steadier pace, finishing in about 28:30. In the afternoon I revisited a long hill session I hadn't run in over a year, from the players' entrance at Firhill up to the flagpole in Ruchill Park - uphill all the way at a variety of gradients with only a couple of brief dips. First attempt took 2:37 which wasn't bad as I had usually been just inside 2:40 in the past, with an all-time best of 2:29. I found the headwind tougher on the second attempt which took 2:46. Contemplated a third rep but I didn't even have enough energy to maintain a jog back down the hill, so I walked/jogged back home instead.

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