Tuesday, 1 April 2008

5K time trial

I had been expecting a pyramid session so was a bit surprised to find the scheduled training session was actually a 5K time trial. I didn't have my racing shoes and most likely wouldn't have done short reps on Monday evening if I'd known. Marco was recovering from a long run at the weekend and had no intention of going flat out, so I went off at something like race pace and expected to slow down later on, either through ennui or tired legs, most likely to the extent that I would be caught. It didn't work out too badly, though, as I managed to keep it going fairly well and coped fine with the hills in the latter half of the course. Towards the end I wasn't sure of the route, not having done it before (and having misheard the instructions) and ended up taking a 400m shortcut. It had been a straight choice between cutting the course and setting what would inevitably be an improbably fast time, or running too far, having a disappointingly slow time recorded, and being overtaken into the bargain. A finishing time of exactly 16 minutes showed I had cut it short.


Debs M-C said...

400m? And the rest ;-)

Stephen Mulrine said...

Hmm, it was hard to judge from memory. Maybe 600m? Although the warm-up trail from the 10mph sign to the end is only about that far...