Thursday, 29 May 2008

Polaroid Clydebank 10K

I was concerned I might have been over-training recently and although the sore quads had finally got a lot better during the course of the day, within the first couple of kilometres I was convinced I would run out of steam in the second half of the race. This may have been because I set off faster than in Helensburgh and went through 3K in 10:10, some 20 seconds ahead of my goal time for that point, although I was only 10 seconds ahead at 4K and had therefore already fallen outside 3:30 per kilometre. I was slowing down as the race went on, but a group of runners in front of me was slowing down even more and I caught them between 6K and 7K, although I wasn't able to stay ahead of all of them until the end. Around 8K I felt like I was moving very slowly but sub-36 still appeared to be a possibility. When we reached the last corner I discovered the finish was a lot further away than I'd expected, but I picked up the pace in the final stretch to consolidate my position, and noticed the clock was showing 35:53 as I crossed the line. Final position was 30th (in a much larger field), chip time was 35:49, so a big improvement on the previous week.

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