Thursday, 14 August 2008

2x3 miles steady, 6.4 miles tempo

Ran up to the club training session at a fairly steady pace, just to get a few extra miles in, but it was harder than I expected and I was glad of the ten minutes' worth of waiting around when I got there. A smaller-than-usual fast pack ran the first mile in about 7 minutes and got progressively faster, reaching a 6-minute mile in the second half of the route. I had been sure I would drop off the back at some point and maybe even have to take a shortcut home, but I managed to hang on and finally started to feel reasonably OK after about 4 miles. Finished the 6.43 miles in 41:10, about 6:24 per mile. Ran back home afterwards at a steadier pace, another 3 miles or so.

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