Monday, 17 May 2010

5.3 miles steady

I had a go at one of my longer Monday night routes from Bearsden Asda, via Clober Road and Craigton Road. Wore the Racer ST. After the roundabout at the bottom of Hunter Road my shin started playing up a bit and was quite sore afterwards, certainly worse than it had been for a few days. Completed the 5.34 miles in 37:09 for a 6:58/mile average, HR 152.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:14 (142), 6:58 (153), 6:57 (157), 6:42 (152), 6:55 (154), 7:03 (159)
HR zones: 1.3%, 7.9%, 84.4%, 6.5%, 0%

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