Sunday, 19 December 2010

3.3 miles slow, 6.6 miles moderate

Went out before lunch for our usual shorter West End route except via Nansen Street to avoid some icy cobbles. 3.34 miles in 28:16, average pace 8:28/mile, HR 139. Chest strap might have been loose again as the HR readings look a bit high, or it might have had something to do with the cold.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 8:56 (147), 8:18 (134), 8:07 (140), 8:40 (126)
HR zones: 9.3%, 45.1%, 38.4%, 7.2%, 0%

In the afternoon I tried out the cross-country spikes on a run up Baird's Brae and along the canal to Lambhill Bridge. The last quarter-mile or so up to the bridge was uneven and tough on the ankles, but otherwise it went fine, and I could see on the way back from my earlier footprints that my stride had lengthened as I had got used to the conditions. 6.56 miles in 43:47, average pace 6:41/mile, HR 163. The sub-zero temperatures might account for the high HR readings as it didn't feel like I was working particularly hard.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:03 (160), 6:26 (164), 6:37 (163), 6:33 (165), 6:35 (165), 6:41 (164), 6:53 (160)
HR zones: 0.4%, 0.5%, 12.3%, 86.8%, 0%
Weekly total: 20 miles

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