Thursday, 10 January 2008

Short recovery and gym

The car is in for servicing so I had to miss the club training session, although I was slightly the worse for wear anyway after playing football the previous night - need to remember to stretch properly next week. Rather than miss a run altogether I went out for a couple of miles just to stretch the legs a bit. Later on I went to the gym for the first time in a few weeks (they were closed over Christmas and New Year) and did the following: 5m on cross-trainer at 10 resistance; 3x40 on Lat Pulldown machine with 4 weights; 3x10 on Pec Deck machine with 4 weights; 3x40 Lat Pulldown again; 3x10 on Shoulder Press machine with 3 weights - my weakest machine, took two goes to complete last set; 3x40 Lat Pulldown again; 5m cross-trainer again. All done in about 35 minutes. There's a big difference between 3x30 and 3x40 on the Lat Pulldown machine. I'll probably stick with this plan for at least a couple more sessions before trying to increase some of the weights. May well end up dodging the 10K I had planned for Saturday as the condition of the course is very poor according to "Debs on running" and I don't do cross-country.


Debs M-C said...

Ah don't go blaming me. I heard from someone, who heard it from someone who said it may or may not be a bog.

Just don't wear white socks.

Stephen Mulrine said...

I predict I'll be thanking you rather than blaming you. ;)