Sunday, 11 January 2009

3.9 miles slow, 8.8 miles moderate

Went out in the morning with Natasha for a slow run via Shakespeare Street, Cleveden Drive and Napiershall Street. In the afternoon my lower back and right hip were causing me a bit of pain but I had another attempt at the loop of Auchinairn via Woodhill Road, with the aim of finishing inside 60 minutes, as well as racking up over 50 miles for the week. I lost a lot of time running into a strong headwind on the way back down Springburn Road and Keppochhill Road but I picked it up again running downhill on Possil Road and got home in 59:37 - not a route PB but a better effort. Average pace was 6:46/mile for 8.8 miles. The first mile came in at 7:30 which seems a lot slower than I felt I was running, although it was mostly uphill. Weekly total: 55 miles.

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