Wednesday, 4 February 2009

7 miles moderate

With football cancelled due to the snow, I went out in my cross-country shoes for my usual 7-mile route via Garscube Estate, although I should probably have chosen a different route as there was no snow cover for long stretches. Distance came out at 7.02 miles, time 47:06 for a 6:42/mile average.


Unknown said...

Stevie...............Lesley was asking the whereabouts of the Caldercuilt track and if the track be of ash or tartan.........Cheers Big Ears..........

John the Jogger.......

Stephen Mulrine said...

There's a path leading away from the mini roundabout where Rothes Drive meets Caldercuilt Road. The entrance to the track is about 200m along. Surface is red blaes, in reasonable condition. You can also get to it from Maryhill Road by going through Maryhill Park.

Unknown said...

Cheers Stevie,

just so l can spy on you and jot down the times you are running.

When are you racing next ?

Stephen Mulrine said...

Masters indoors championships, I think...