Sunday, 7 December 2008

11.7 miles steady

Ran an old route up Maryhill Road and Milngavie Road for a loop of Milngavie Station, then back home, estimated at somewhere between 11 and 12 miles. I intended to run about 7 minutes per mile and stayed just inside this pace without too much trouble, reaching the 6-mile mark just past the station inside 42 minutes with the remainder of the route mostly downhill. With a few miles to go it looked like I had a reasonable chance of finishing inside 1:20. I wasn't able to make up much time in the last mile due to tired legs but I got back home in 1:19:50 for an average pace just under 6:50/mile. Weekly total: 47 miles.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


one see's that one is cranking up the miles of late could this be due to a certain challenge?!

Fae the fastest guy you know