Monday, 2 March 2009

6.7 miles hard

I waited until the rain had stopped before setting off on my usual Monday evening run. There were some clouds in the distance so I started out fast so I would at least not be heading West if the rain came on again. However, it was already starting by the time I got to Clober Road and then on Craigton Road I ended up running uphill into driving rain which was exactly what I had hoped to avoid. I still managed to reach the highest point on the route at Baljaffray roundabout in an average of 6:27/mile, by which time the rain had gone off, and took advantage of the long downhill section to knock my average pace down to 6:10 by the end, finishing in a huge route PB of 41:03. Run.GPS measured the distance this time at 6.66 miles. Last week's measurement of 6.6 would still give me a 6:13 average.

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