Monday, 21 March 2011

2.5 miles slow, 5.3 miles steady

Went out before breakfast for a recovery loop of Queen Margaret Drive. 2.47 miles in 19:31, average pace 7:55/mile, HR 128.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 8:12 (125), 7:42 (131), 7:47 (130)
HR zones: 4.6%, 94.7%, 0.7%, 0%, 0%

In the evening I ran my usual route from Bearsden Asda. 5.33 miles in 37:41, average pace 7:04/mile, HR 163. Took it fairly easy so HR readings look highly dubious.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:35 (154), 7:15 (165), 7:05 (166), 6:46 (170), 6:45 (162), 6:49 (165)
HR zones: 1.1%, 1.5%, 38.6%, 46.7%, 12.0%

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