Wednesday, 9 March 2011

5.1 miles slow

Felt qutie fatigued overall but thought I could manage a slow run in the evening with Natasha. We met Meggan at Kelvinbridge and ran our loop of Woodlands Road and Hyndland Road in reverse. 5.1 miles in 46:56, average pace 9:21/mile, HR 120. The weather was terrible, particularly as we headed along Dumbarton Road into the wind and rain. No real problems with the blister.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 9:51 (115), 9:09 (120), 9:20 (123), 8:35 (126), 9:05 (118), 9:13 (125)
HR zones: 29.7%, 70.3%, 0%, 0%, 0%

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