Sunday, 12 June 2011

Polaroid Vale of Leven 10K, 4 miles easy

After a couple of days off, I had more or less recovered from Tuesday's hill session and was hopeful of making it a fourth sub-35 minute 10K out of four, although I only reached the first marker in 3:30, with the climb through Balloch Country Park still to come. I made up a few places on the hill before being joined by two Garscube team-mates, and went through 2K in around 7:10. I had hoped to win back some time on the downhill but reached 3K in 10:30 or so. I was however still quite far up the field. Over the next few kilometres I was still not too far behind the Bellahouston Road Runners in front, but I had only reached 5K in 17:30 and thought I had no chance of finishing inside 35 minutes, not having managed negative splits in any of the races so far. The revised route took us back up the river, where I managed to move up a place, and by 8K I was 20 seconds up, despite feeling pretty slow. There was one last short climb back up to the road, and when I reached the last corner before the long finishing straight, sub-35 was looking safe. I finished 3rd Vet, 10th overall, in a chip time of 34:40, my fastest of the series by 1 second. We were 3rd team. I should be 3rd Vet in the series, and we will either be 2nd or 3rd team, depending on how the results are calculated.

6.22 miles in 34:40, average pace 5:34/mile

In the afternoon I went out for an easy loop of Garrioch Road, Cleveden Drive and North Woodside Road. 3.96 miles in 30:15, average pace 7:38/mile, HR 135.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:58 (130), 7:31 (134), 7:35 (137), 7:27 (141)
HR zones: 2.3%, 71.9%, 25.8%, 0%, 0%
Weekly total: 26 miles

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