Monday, 31 December 2012

2.7 miles moderate, 3 miles easy

Ran home from work using my summer route for a change in 17:42 for 2.67 miles, average pace 6:38/mile, HR 141.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:04 (130), 6:36 (144), 6:04 (154)
HR zones: 5.4%, 42.8%, 48.2%, 3.6%, 0%

In the afternoon I tried out the Vibram FiveFingers KSO on a longer run around the West End, down Shakespeare Street, up Winton Drive and down Beaconsfield Road. As I headed back along Great Western Road the pain in my right forefoot gradually increased until I had to stop and try to loosen the KSOs in case they were putting too much pressure on my foot. This didn't help, and just before Kirklee Road I stopped my watch. I certainly couldn't run another step and just had to limp home as best I could, through the Botanic Gardens and down the Kelvin Walkway, looking like the worst possible advert for VFFs. Before I stopped I had covered 2.96 miles in 22:41, average pace 7:39/mile, HR 129.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:45 (126), 7:06 (131), 8:05 (130)
HR zones: 8.7%, 83.3%, 7.9%, 0%, 0%
Weekly total: 6 miles

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