Monday, 26 July 2010

4.5 miles steady

Ran a shorter loop from Bearsden Asda, over Mosshead Road, down Drymen Road and back via Kilmardinny Avenue. There was persistent light rain which only went off towards the end. I had loosened up by the time I got to Drymen Road but found myself running into the wind and didn't make up much time, although I was taking it fairly easy anyway. Finished the 4.54 miles in 32:54, average pace 7:15/mile, HR 140. Right shin is slightly dodgy but not a problem at the moment.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:40 (130), 7:28 (144), 7:02 (139), 7:03 (142), 6:49 (149)
HR zones: 3.7%, 48.2%, 48.1%, 0%, 0%

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