Saturday, 12 June 2010

2.5 miles easy, 4.3 miles steady

Went out in the morning for the same route as on Friday morning, this time a bit faster at 18:15 for the 2.48 miles, average pace 7:22/mile. On Great Western Road I noticed that although I felt absolutely fine, my heart rate was supposedly 181, so I stopped for a couple of seconds to check and decided a loose chest strap was causing the high readings. Later on I discovered a small, round bruise on the inner side of my painful shin, which suggests to me that it's almost back to normal, based on experience with a pulled hamstring several years back.

Pace splits: 7:47, 7:07, 7:01

In the afternoon I just needed a few more miles to put me within easy reach of 50 for the week, so I headed down North Woodside Road, down to Cowcaddens and up the steps onto the towpath. The fence blocking the path at the fire station had been taken down but after a couple of hundred metres it turned out that the towpath was still closed, so I turned round and headed back home. Finished the 4.27 miles in 29:53, average pace 7:00/mile. HR data was unusable again.

Pace splits: 7:41, 7:12, 6:44, 6:39, 6:07

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