Friday, 18 June 2010

2.5 miles easy, 5.1 miles steady

Went out before breakfast again for the usual Queen Margaret Drive route which came out at 2.51 miles this time. Time was 19:23, average pace 7:43/mile, HR 133. Felt a bit easier than on previous mornings. Later on I had to wade through ankle-deep water at Cowcaddens and walked on a bit to see how far I could get with bare feet, and although it was OK to begin with, I had to give up when I reached Rose Street as there was too much grit on the pavement.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 8:01 (129), 7:33 (135), 7:28 (139)
HR zones: 4.1%, 83.4%, 12.5%, 0%, 0%

In the early evening I had time for about 5 miles so headed up Maryhill Road and onto the canal towpath at Shakespeare Street, then over Cleveden Road and back home along Great Western Road. Finished the 5.07 miles in 35:21, average page 6:58/mile, HR 141.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:38 (128), 7:04 (138), 7:02 (143), 6:32 (147), 6:34 (150)
HR zones: 2.4%, 44.7%, 52.9, 0%, 0%

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