Tuesday, 1 June 2010

6.2 miles moderate

The club training session was an out-and-back so I thought I'd give it a try, wearing the Vomeros again. The route took us around the warm-up trail and down the Kelvin Walkway for 20 minutes. There was a small fast pack which set off at a comfortable enough pace before speeding up a bit, mindful of the fact that the way back would be broadly uphill. We were only a few metres short of Kelvinbridge when we had to turn round. I only fell off the pace in the last mile and eased off a bit more near the end to finish almost on schedule, 39:51 for 6.17 miles, 6:27/mile average, HR 164. Had a few fleeting shin pains but was otherwise OK.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 6:46 (148), 6:23 (161), 6:21 (162), 6:14 (166), 6:27 (171), 6:32 (172), 6:31 (171)
HR zones: 0.3%, 1.0%, 20.9%, 77.8%, 0%

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