Monday, 2 August 2010

3.9 miles easy, 4.5 miles steady

Went out before breakfast for one of my usual West End routes via Cleveden Drive and Shakespeare Street. I had worn a pair of beach volleyball socks overnight so my foot was much better. Finished the 3.86 miles in 28:34, average pace 7:24/mile, HR 133.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:54 (126), 7:17 (133), 7:12 (137), 7:10 (138)
HR zones: 3.0%, 84.7%, 12.3%, 0%, 0%

In the evening I ran the same route as last week from Bearsden Asda. Legs were very stiff to begin with but I gradually loosened up and managed some reasonable splits towards the end. 4.54 miles in 32:46 for a 7:13/mile average, HR 140.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:51 (128), 7:34 (142), 6:58 (141), 6:47 (146), 6:39 (153)
HR zones: 2.9%, 38.7%, 58.4%, 0%, 0%

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