Saturday, 14 August 2010

3.9 miles slow, 1.6 miles hard

Went out with Natasha before lunch for the Cleveden Drive / Napiershall Street route. Finished the 3.88 miles in 31:35, average pace 8:06/mile, HR 130.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 8:25 (140), 8:02 (125), 8:11 (127), 7:52 (129)
HR zones: 6.5%, 80.0%, 12.9%, 0.6%, 0%

In the afternoon I ran down to the office to collect the car, again in the adiZero Tempo. Managed a fast first mile and was able to pick it up even further without any trouble. I was assisted by the fact that the route was broadly downhill although I still had steps and busy road crossings to deal with. Completed the 1.61 miles in 9:39, average pace 5:59/mile. Forgot to wear the HR strap.

Pace splits: 6:23, 5:22

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