Sunday, 30 September 2012

4.2 miles slow

Went out in the morning with Natasha for a run up Baird's Brae to avoid flooding on Possil Road, along Keppochhill Road, up Carlisle Street, back along Hawthorn Street, through Ruchill Park to avoid what I expected would be more flooding at the bottom of Bilsland Drive, and home via Grovepark Street. 4.21 miles in 36:17, average pace 8:37/mile, HR 124.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 9:01 (120), 8:15 (122), 8:13 (125), 8:52 (129), 9:16 (123)
HR zones: 23.4%, 74.7%, 1.9%, 0%, 0%
Weekly total: 28 miles

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