Thursday, 21 April 2011

7.3 miles tempo

The club session was a tempo run which took us along Canniesburn Road, down Garscadden Road and back along Great Western Road where the tempo section was supposed to begin. Only Joe and I were in the fast pack, and we decided a 3-mile warm-up was excessive and picked up the pace during the first mile. Coming back up Great Western Road into a headwind was hard work and we dropped outside 6:00 for that mile. We finished the tempo section at Cleveden Road as planned and jogged back over Dalsholm Road.

6.15 miles in 37:22, average pace 6:05/mile, HR 165
Pace splits (ave. HR): 6:36 (147), 6:08 (159), 5:46 (163), 6:05 (171), 5:57 (175), 5:54 (177), 6:07 (173)
HR zones: 1.4%, 0.5%, 31.0%, 67.1%, 0%

1.15 miles in 9:24, average pace 8:10/mile, HR 149
Pace splits (ave. HR): 8:14 (150), 7:38 (141)
HR zones: 0%, 14.2%, 77.1%, 8.7%, 0%

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