Monday, 11 February 2013

2.8 miles hard, 1.8 miles slow

Ran home from work in 17:30 for 2.77 miles, average pace 6:20/mile, HR 157, knocking a few more seconds off my best time for the year so far.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 6:46 (144), 6:15 (164), 5:52 (169)
HR zones: 3.0%, 4.9%, 34.5%, 57.6%, 0%

In the evening I ran an easy loop of Roman Road and Canniesburn Toll from Bearsden Asda. 1.79 miles in 14:59, average pace 8:22/mile, HR 140.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 8:43 (137), 7:56 (145)
HR zones: 3.8%, 27.0%, 69.2%, 0%, 0% 

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