Sunday 13 January 2008

18 miles steady

I seemed to have recovered from the hills quite well so in the afternoon I set out on a route of at least 18 miles which I haven't run since 2006. The weather had been fairly nasty most of the day but it was dry when I set out and I had taken anti-chafing measures. I hoped to get at least to the halfway point by the time the rain came on. The route was past the Mitchell Library and Anderston Station, over the King George V bridge, Salkeld Street, A77 (Pollokshaws Road, Kilmarnock Road, Ayr Road) all the way to Mearns Cross, then round The Avenue and down Capelrig Road, through Thornliebank, up Pollokshaws Road and the outward route in reverse from Shawlands Cross. Felt pretty awful and even feverish for the first few miles but I was a lot better by the time I reached Shawlands. The rain came on as I was approaching Giffnock and was on and off for the rest of the run, but it was never cold enough to cause me any problems. Reached Eastwood Toll in 50 minutes and the long climb up to Mearns Cross took a further 18 - I'm pretty sure 1:08 is as fast as I've ever got there. I started to lose steam on the way back in and felt incredibly hungry but hadn't brought any money. Some kind of energy drink might also have helped but I didn't have anything to drink either. Got home in 2:34:50 and stuffed myself with peanuts and cashews. Next time I try this I'll be sure to do some carbo-loading the night before.

1 comment:

Marco Consani said...

Is that Stephen hanging up his track spikes for some long distance shoes. Next your gonna be doing ultras!