Tuesday 15 January 2008

Hill reps

Got to the Science Park just in time for tonight's scheduled hill reps session with the club. The session was 12 reps of the long road past the Vet School - hard for the first 120m or so slightly uphill, easy for the next 50m slightly downhill, and hard again for the final 120m, the steepest part of the hill, with a jog back to the bottom as recovery. It was the third rep before I managed to get moving properly with enough acceleration right at the start to open up a gap. The long recovery together with the break in the middle made each rep seem only slightly harder than the one before, so I tried to do them flat out and keep it going as long as I could. In fact, the recovery seemed to be the hardest bit - I could break into a jog on the way back down but nothing more.


Marco Consani said...

I think that it was your new super dooper aerodynamic hair cut that made you fast tonight.

Stephen Mulrine said...

That'll only last a couple of weeks then (: