Tuesday, 17 June 2008

4.6 miles moderate, short reps

I got up a few minutes earlier and ran a revised route, turning off Maryhill Road at Shakespeare Street instead of continuing past the shopping centre to Garrioch Road, then up Cleveden Drive as before, and all the way down Great Western Road onto Phoenix Road, and home via Garscube Road. My quads were quite sore and it felt slow in places, but I was still aiming for a sub-6:45 pace and was pleased to finish in 29:23 which is a 6:23 average. This seems implausibly fast, even though I have measured the route twice. I had reasonable luck with the traffic and there are more straight sections.

In the evening the club training session was short reps on grass, to be followed by a few hill reps. It was raining and my feet got soaked quickly on the wet grass, and after a couple of the hill reps on tarmac my blister from Sunday's race started to play up, so I had to stop.

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