Thursday 9 July 2009

6.2 miles steady

I felt just about able to go out training with the club. The route took us out the top gate and along the canal towards Blairdardie. I was fine for the first couple of miles but the third was becoming a bit of a struggle, so as we approached Great Western Road I decided to drop off the back and cut the run short. The rest of the fast pack then waited for me to catch up as it turned out they weren't exactly sure of the route. Somebody mentioned Alderman Road so I guessed we were supposed to head down Lincoln Avenue. I said I'd be staying on Great Western Road but I soon decided the slower pace was manageable and followed the others at a gradually increasing distance. As I got to Alderman Road I saw some of the other packs, so we had evidently cut the route short - it turned out we should have stayed on the canal for another half-mile or so. I made it back to Garscube Estate at a fairly slow pace and was being caught by the second pack in the closing stages. Finishing time was just over 43 minutes for about 6.2 miles. I felt somewhat the worse for wear afterwards and prepared to take a couple of days off.


Debs M-C said...

Cheaters! I think I could have beaten you that night as well :-)

Stephen Mulrine said...

I'm sure you would have been hauling me back in towards the end...