Saturday 25 July 2009

Parkrun 5K, 3.4 miles slow

In the morning I had another go at the Parkrun 5K in Pollok Park. Without any recent fast runs I had no idea how I would get on. I spotted one runner I thought I should try to keep up with, but he headed off at far too fast a pace for me. For the first part of the race I was 7th and had heavy legs, but I picked up a few places on the first long uphill stretch and felt quite strong on the downhill, so I thought I had a good chance of beating my time from three weeks ago. On the second lap I was 4th but could still see the leaders, and I began to close in on 3rd place, moving ahead in the last half mile or so, then dropping back on the most awkward uphill part of the course, and going back into 3rd on the final downhill stretch. My time was 17:09 which was 15 seconds faster than my previous attempt. Afterwards I ran a 1-mile recovery.

By the afternoon my hamstring had tightened up but I thought I should be OK for a few slow miles, so I ran the usual 3.4-mile route, which came out this time at 3.36 miles. Loosened up a bit after the first mile.


Debs M-C said...

Does that mean you get the fastest time for the summer league?

Stephen Mulrine said...

Only if nobody beats my time before the end of September! There was an e-mail from Stuart about a month ago saying the committee had decided to extend the time limit.

Ben Melby said...

Just yesterday Joe was talking about the possibility of you improving the fastest time and his intention of reclaiming that time. Looks like we have a proper battalia de celeritas. I would like to see this summer league competition drive you and Joe to a head to head marathon effort!

Debs M-C said...

Have you seen Joe's racers? They're so light, I think they're made of cling film.

Stephen Mulrine said...

The Piranhas? I popped down to AH a few weeks back to have a look at them. They are indeed lighter than my Lunaracer or Mayfly.

Unknown said...


l think they look like sub 17min park run shoes to me........

John the Jogger