Sunday 4 May 2008

16 miles steady

I decided to go out onto the South Side for a change and have a look at some running tracks while racking up a few miles at a 7:30 pace or thereabouts. Went through Kelvingrove Park and Yorkhill just like yesterday, then followed NCN 7 across Bell's Bridge and towards Pollok Park, which stayed exactly 2.5 miles away for a remarkably high number of signposts. The running track in Pollok Park was ash and the lanes weren't marked, as far as I could tell. I took a slight detour at Corkerhill Road to have a look at the Nethercraigs track which was synthetic and in excellent condition, with four lanes all the way round and six in the home straight. Returned to the cycle path and followed it as far as Crookston Road, then headed back towards the city centre via Paisley Road West. I ran around the outside of Bellahouston Park to have a look at the track there, which had been in terrible condition a few years ago, but since then had been converted into a concrete cycle track with more of an oval shape and slight banking at the ends. I got back to Paisley Road West and rejoined NCN 7 at Cessnock before following the same route home. Total time was 2:03:07 including stoppages for reconnaissance, distance 16 miles or so. It was quite warm and I hadn't brought anything to drink but I would probably have been fine for a couple more miles.

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