Monday, 3 August 2009

7 miles steady

In the evening I had a go at the Hogmanay Handicap route, starting and finishing at Bearsden Asda. For a while after I got into the hills it looked like I might be able to sustain a 6:45/mile average but the longer hills slowed me down a lot. Finished in 48:04, distance came out at 6.97 miles (which might even be slightly short). Average mile pace for the reported distance was 6:54.


Unknown said...

One notices one is upping the ante is there a valid reason for this Mr M ?

Stephen Mulrine said...

Making up for the miles I've missed in previous weeks!

Debs M-C said...

Tut tut. You can't play catch up. Spill the beans...what's on the cards?

I love that route. Haven't been on it since last summer's (pre GSR) 10m club training run. I had to stop for three comfort breaks :-)