Tuesday 10 August 2010

5.7 miles steady

I woke up early enough to get a few miles in but I had a mild headache and was also discouraged by heavy rain, so I went back to sleep. Felt a lot better in the evening so I joined in the club session for once, heading out the top gate, down Ilay Avenue and onto the canal towards Clydebank for 20 minutes before turning back. We had started off slowly and gradually sped up, and on the way back it was apparent that we were going to finish well inside the target of 40 minutes. Got back to the bridge in 38:53 for 5.68 miles, average pace 6:51/mile, HR 148. Warm-down afterwards was about 500m on a trail through the grass.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:42 (136), 6:44 (146), 6:45 (149), 6:40 (151), 6:37 (154), 6:33 (159)
HR zones: 0.9%, 12.3%, 83.0%, 3.9%, 0%

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