Saturday, 21 May 2011

4.4 miles easy, 2.5 miles steady

Went out in the morning for an easy run around the West End, via Garrioch Road, Winton Drive and Napiershall Street. 4.36 miles in 32:30, average pace 7:25/mile, HR 137.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:36 (128), 7:08 (141), 7:30 (141), 7:18 (138), 7:43 (138)
HR zones: 3.1%, 54.9%, 42.0%, 0%, 0%

In the afternoon I ran a loop of Queen Margaret Drive. 2.51 miles in 17:41, average pace 7:03/mile, HR 136.

Pace splits (ave. HR): 7:29 (127), 6:45 (140), 6:48 (148)
HR zones: 4.9%, 50.0%, 44.7%, 0.4%, 0%

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