Monday, 4 January 2010

3.9 miles steady, 5.4 miles moderate

Went out before lunch for a recovery run via Maryhill Road, Shakespeare Street, Cleveden Drive, Great Western Road and Napiershall Street - 3.91 miles in 27:46 for a 7:06/mile average. Pace splits: 7:18, 7:11, 7:05, 6:50. In the evening I ran one of my usual routes from Bearsden Asda. The ice was particularly dangerous on Park Road and Clober Road but I was able to run on the road after that and was approaching Newton speeds in the adiZero Tempo. Finished the 5.35 miles in 34:26 for a 6:26/mile average. Pace splits: 6:58, 6:53, 6:27, 6:02, 6:03, 5:47.


Unknown said...


the average m/m is cooommming down......maybe 2010 is going to be your year ?

Ben Melby said...

The Tempo, as you know, is my favorite shoe. Hope it works for you. I am sadly still in the US due to an infuriating visa application process (for Isla). Will be back on the 12th. Hope the weather gets better - anything will be better than here for running!

Stephen Mulrine said...

I remember you mentioned an adiZero shoe but wasn't sure which one it was. Definitely a great all-round shoe. I also have a pair of adiZero Mana which I'm keeping for faster sessions (in better conditions).